Saturday, August 18, 2012

Wake up in time

Wake up in time, copyright 111111, egg
yolk tempera on canvas, 183x185

Taking time for oneself changed everything, believe it or not, I was lost, I promise, but knowledge in front of me, came in a book, another book, another one and it has not yet stopped coming. Strange things began to happen and strange things I began to see. Absolutely suddenly, I saw meaning in everything around me. One beekeeper told me how a bear raised beehives to see if they are filled with honey. This led to secrets with honeycomb but you must seek it for yourself, your own alarm clock and be curious, not stopping, never. What a pleasure to wake up and begin to see things I did not see. Myths, stories, tales, rumors, facts, magic, lectures, movies, arts, poetry, paintings, manuscripts, google, thanks that you exist. Baba Jaga, I remember well, the memory is fresh, the brain strong, happy for black cat and no longer believing in snakes with horns, yes, but not for real. The idea is to enjoy, that's life, I see chances too, and make a new plan. Argus eyes I have got, Morpheus, Hypnosis and Lethe have shared their treasures with me. Oh, yes, pleasure, reflection at sunrise, salty with a little divinity, everything is available, dare to take is not easy, I know. The whole day I spent on the beach, hearts, clubs, spades, diamonds, what an amazing symbolism behind, now I see what a journey I can determine for myself. This was the first step and I'm avid for the next, but calmly, I know it's name is energy. Sit next to me and enjoy the adventure.

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